The Best Things In Life Are Free

The Best Things In Life Are Free

October 08, 2011

There’s a certain serenity that comes over me when I’m visiting my home country. It sounds corny but being there really helps contribute to my mental wellbeing.  And that’s not to say everything is peaches and cream but there’s an obvious calmness.

Never a dull moment on my travel home

Never a dull moment on my travel home

October 04, 2011

I always enjoy going home. The journey, not so much.  When you have to make a total of approximately 18 hours travel time, a fight for the armrest can become an important one.  Both the departure and returning do not do well for my emotional wellbeing as I am plagued by anxiety during the former and mildly depressed on the latter. 

Guilt from far away

Guilt from far away

October 01, 2011

I’ve always been eerie of death.

Growing up, I had a lot of people pass away and watched my parents attend funerals as often as they did weddings.

My heart belongs to Africa

My heart belongs to Africa

September 29, 2011

Gun shots, fires, children running scared, crying, hungry, dying, women screaming, men fighting. I am plagued by these images, which are passed on as fact representing my home. I am not naïve though, I know my home is not without its faults but that does not make me love it any less. Am I scared? Yes. Do I want to run away? Sometimes. But ask me if I love you and my answer is yes. Do I miss you? Of course.

School’s not just about x plus y

School’s not just about x plus y

September 29, 2011

The ideology that in order for a child to succeed in life, academics come first and everything else is secondary was a firm principle throughout my childhood.

Zambian Pride

Zambian Pride

September 28, 2011

It’s an exciting time to be in Zambia after a successful, peaceful and poised exchange of power from the MMD (Movement for Multi-party Democracy) to the PF (Patriotic Front).  

On How Life Is…

On How Life Is…

September 27, 2011

It must’ve been ’99 and Macy Gray had just released her album ‘On How Life Is’ and that title and album have stuck with me since.

On Dark Girls

On Dark Girls

September 26, 2011

Every year I’ve told myself I’ll attend a TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) movie and every year comes and goes, excuses, excuses.  This year, I buckled down after learning the documentary ‘Dark Girls’ would be showing and waited a total of an hour and fifteen minutes on the phone to purchase my tickets.  And it was all worth it.