Posts by Category: Mummyhood

Self care is the theme of my second time around mommyhood

July 26, 2018

I wrote this post two months ago. But like a lot of things I’ve been doing lately, I procrastinated positing it. Not sure why…I guess I thought I’d have more to add later. And I do. I’m going to keep the original intro though coz it had a nice ring to it 😉 so bear with me.

Next Friday will mark 5 months since I became a mom for the second time, 5 years after doing it the first time.


Looking Back: 10 items I’d actually, seriously, recommend to a First Time Mom.

August 19, 2016


There seems to be something in the air because wherever I turn, someone is pregnant. The last time this happened, I found out I was too! *GASP!*

NOT! Muhahahahahahahaha


I’m a mom who doesn’t subscribe to gender stereotypes

April 14, 2015


My daughter LOVES Thomas and Friends.


Cute alert! GAP Kids collaborates with Kate Spade & Jack Spade

October 16, 2014


I often browse the Gap Kids store both online and off and was sooo excited when I discovered they will be doing this super cute collaboration with one of my favourite online indulgences Kate Spade & Jack Spade


Dr Shefali Tsabary has got me thinking about this ‘consious parenting’ philosophy…

June 13, 2014



I’ll preface this post by saying I’m someone who appreciates a good self-help book with some quotes thrown in here and there to keep my motor running…but I won’t buy into everything.  Afterall, I never bought a baby book when I had my daughter and even though I admit I felt a little scared about not having any real guidance, is there ever any real guidance when you’re a first time parent?

I remember reading somewhere or someone saying to me “your baby will tell you what to do”.  And I think Dr Shefali Tsabary is of the same mindset with her philosophy on parenting.


Great gifts for mom this Mother’s Day

May 06, 2014

Mothers Day Wallpapers

Looking to take your Mother’s Day gift giving to the next level? Well I’ve got you covered!


Empathy: What the world needs (more of) and what I hope my daughter has.

February 12, 2014


You’re probably thinking the Beatles already told us what the world needs (now, is love sweet love) and I agree… but just hear me out on this one.


A letter to my 14month old daughter about hair

December 04, 2013


Dear Ren,


I didn’t think I would start talking to you about your hair so early, but in light of recent events I figured I should get a head start.