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What I learnt in my first year of motherhood

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1. A shower is a life saver, don’t take it for granted.

2. I can survive on less than 4 hours of sleep, I bow down to naps.

3. I’m not a woman anymore, I’m a mum (I haven’t lost my sense of humour)

4. I’m not Kourtney Kardashian.

5. Its okay to cry and be down because you’re tired and overwhelmed. After a good cry, you feel better and hopefully get some sleep.

6. It’s true! HUGGIES are the best diapers! No leaks!

7. Writing things down is important because that mummy/baby brain is fo’ real!

8. Exercise (to get rid of baby weight in the first year is ridiculous and) is overrated. Walk or take a nap.

9. Watching Ellen will put you in a hell of a good mood or make you cry, either way you’ll need one or the other.

10. A year is not that long so enjoy your kid in their baby stage. Laugh, dance, play and smother them with hugs and kisses.

11. Take the internet advice in stride. While you’ll find solace on message boards at 3am don’t feel pressure to try everything.

12. Take ALL advice (especially from family) with a grain of salt.

13. I finally found out what ‘knowing your kid’ means. You will too.

14. If your kid is as big of a nuisance at bedtime as mine was and sometimes is, The Baby Sleep Site and/or Troublesome Tots are your friend(s). They are great!

15. Everyday is a lesson, don’t beat yourself up too much just do the best you can.

16. Don’t compare your baby to others and vice-versa. Ever see the episode of Modern Family where Mitchell steals another kids blocks because Lily hasn’t started stacking blocks yet? Hilarious. But no, don’t do that.  Your kid will eventually reach that milestone.

17. Cleaning up/organizing helps clear your mind. When your house is clean you can think straight.

18. I need to cut my husband some slack sometimes. He’s just as clueless as me, but bless him for trying.

19. Me time is important. Not just for me, but for everyone. But especially for me. Cue girls night! And mohitos!

“OH YEAH” 😀  (that’s my kid signing out Russell Oliver style)



  • I don’t know whether I should say I cant wait to be a Mum or not, but truly if I’m honest I really cant wait! Thanks for the heads up!:-) ‘Mafoko

    • LOL! It’s a hell of a trip Fox, but one you won’t regret!

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