There are two things I love: free stuf and sales! Well I’ve got a freebie! Mums grab your laptops, ipads, tablets and computers…I’ve decided to jump on the band wagon and try Jessica Alba’s products from the Honest Company.
The freebie consists of (your choice by the way) Vitamins and Supplements, Diapers & Wipes and Essential personal care products (body wash, detergent, lotion). All you have to do is pay $5.95 for shipping. Not a bad deal imo.
I know, I know it sounds like another celebrity trying to add to their already fat bank account, but we can all roll our eyes and ignore it or we can take this seriously and consider giving it a try. I watched Jessica Alba do the rounds on various shows last week while on tour here and the messaging made me want to give her products a try. As the name states, they are very transparent with their customers and have a laundry list of the ingredients they use or don’t (no toxins here!) I’m particularly interested to try their Healing Balm as I’ve heard through the grapevine that it works on eczema and I need that for my kid.
So I skimmed the site and they have a live chat option so you can ask anything whilst browsing! Amazing huh?
So whose going to try this with me? Anyone? Hello? Is anybody out there?
I’ll be doing a post on my findings or lack thereof in the next few wks so watch this space. My free trial pack arrives in a week. So excited!! (Did I mention I love freebies?)
To be continued…
Sold..I’m on it!!
YAY! Welcome Yvette!
[…] womp, womp…If you read my earlier post I decided to join the bandwagon and try out Jessica Alba’s products from the Honest […]